It can be scary sometimes when emergencies happen, especially when you are not prepared or expecting them. While you can take a vacation, and get away from everyday life, you can't take a vacation from your health and problems that arise. Dr. Johnson and our team here at JFD figured we would give our patients…
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Fresh Breath and Where to Find It
We have all had, and dealt with, bad breath a time or two in our life, and have also known what it's like to be around someone who has it. Unfortunately, it can be uncomfortable and shameful and sometimes it's hard to tell if it's us who has it. Luckily, there is an easy test…
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Do You Need a Root Canal?
Tooth decay affects all adults and every one of us will have a cavity at some point in our lifetime. However, if you experience more severe tooth decay, your nerves may become too infected which is only cured by a root canal. When you develop a nerve infection bacteria, the inside of your tooth starts…
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Why Are Dental Implants So Important for Missing Teeth?
Every tooth is important, especially for the average middle age adult who loses a tooth either from decay or injury. Each tooth in your mouth plays a specific and vital role that makes up the structure and functioning of your mouth. If you lose a tooth and do not replace it your mouth and health…
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